Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Worked on a pattern for hubby's doublets today. I started with a commercial pattern, and made alterations from there. You can see that the original (left side) gave him some weird underarm wrinklage, but i think i trimmed it down so it fits pretty well. I decide that while I was at it, i'd go ahead and mock up half as a flemish and half as a doublet, which is why he looks like Victor/Victoria.

pattern back

pattern front
I must take this opportunity to congratulate myself on using a much less-hideous-than-normal mock-up fabric. Here's the final pattern:

pattern Posted by Picasa

I'm quite torn on whether to attach full time sleeves to this (more like the period art) or have them be detachable. If ever its too hot for sleeves, he could concievably wear the jerkin alone...but the jerkin is wool.....
Then there is the pesky fact that I have no idea how to properly fit a real sleeve into an armscythe. Hrm.


Blogger Beth said...

Hey! Where are the prairie flowers or dorothy checkered patterns? This is NOT a toile. I won't believe it until I see something that makes Adam squirm to wear.

Seriously, how cool! I especially like the collared (sp?) version.

6:45 PM  
Blogger Julebug said...

Yup, toile making for the lazy girls. Two for one. ;) I think on the collared version the front point should come lower. What do you think?

9:46 AM  

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